Monday, June 23, 2008

I learned something new!

So I decided after reading Saturday Night Knitting Club with my book club, that I too could learn to knit. The first step for me was picking up a dollar tube knitting kit at Joanns! Well I whipped through that.. and started my search for how to books. Then while at AC Moore the other day I came across a book using Provo Crafts Knifty Knitter which is a round knitter not needles. Looked perfect and easy to me, so I bought the book, a four pack of the Knifty Knitters, and a bag of cheapy yarn to practice with. Hubby said he wanted to see a finished project within a month. I decided then to make him a hat, and finished two days.. can you believe it.

Here is a picture of me sporting the hat, which came out just a big large, guess the measurements in the book are just estimates.

Here is a picture of the hat all on it's own, see how it came out pretty long!

And here is a picture of the very "fancy" cuff I added at the bottom!
I think next on my list is some socks.. and then once I master this knitter, I think I'll still give those needles a try!


Treighsie said...

That is so awesome! You go, girl!!

krcrafts said...

Woohoo!!! You did a great job on your new hat---now come visit and teach me to knit :)

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

You did a great job on that!!

Laurie said...

hey that is awesome! i should learn that! The kids are always losing hats and costing me money to replace and soon there will be another kid losing hats.

Anonymous said...

huh. thank you for this .